Dev Blog #30

Galaxy Fight Club
17 min readAug 8, 2022


Just 1 bi-weekly update away from P2E release!

Dev Blog Summary

a) Game and Web 3 Development

  • Big update introducing a lot of new mechanics to increase fun-ness and importance of strategy in the game such as ability to now jump over obstacles, more AOE attacks as well as ability for life-steal
  • P2E is on track, game studio looking to integrate the Level Reward System and integration of Gen 2 fighters before P2E, internal testing is expected to begin next week while the rest of the studio continues to integrate new partners
  • The team is aware of the issues plaguing the GCOIN claiming and is actively working to fix them. The good news is that this is mainly happening because of a surge of traffic and new accounts (20K+ new accounts in last 2 weeks) being set up, which we can only guess is coming from guilds. We will be releasing a short term solution in the coming days in the form of a new standalone GCOIN claiming page.

b) Business Development & Marketing

  • We underwent a maintenance period of just under 48 hours on our staking site 2 days ago, staking rewards that were paused will be not added back in due to system constraints but will not affect the total amount of GCOIN being distributed to stakers. In other words, the rewards from these past 2 days will simply extend the staking reward by an extra 2 days
  • We would like to remind everyone that as of writing, over 4,000,000 $GFC/GCOIN has already been distributed or locked-in for reward distribution out of the 6,000,000 with 2,000,000 left out of the initial liquidity rewards which we expect will be distributed over the next 2–3 months. Meanwhile the team is considering adding more liquidity rewards beyond the 6M initially set back in January 2022.
  • Since our partnership with Veefriends, Yas had the chance to meet Gary Vee 1-on-1 in Germany, we are confident that both communities are going to be very excited about what we have in-store for this collaboration, we also onboarded Whale Together, another NFT collection into our GFC universe.
  • As we approach P2E, we are increasingly featured across Twitter, from our spaces with VeeFriends (our most in-depth one yet), to the gaming influencer Brycent and to being featured as one of the top polygon games with the highest social scores. We are also working with certain athletes in the MMA space as we had teased earlier in the year.

c) Community

  • We now have had a 2 ETH tournament on all servers with over $30,000 in rewards distributed. Congratulations Wholesome Guys, The Monstars and (twice) TeamPlaySafe! Both Wholesome Guys and TeamPlaySafe playing for Team Comfy ran by Joe and Aaron Comfy, making it the most successful Guild at the moment!
  • To make it easier for guilds and (new) players to find each other we have created the #🎮︱join-a-team section in our discord. Any guild has the option to have their info posted, as long as they have been and are an active part of the GFC community
  • As part of our brand refresh, we are re-creating our famous banner and we let the community decide which fighters they want to see featured. It was great seeing the community taking part and being involved, the rest of the winners from each race will be announced within the next week.

A: Game and Web 3 Development


As we approach P2E, the game team is getting to implement a number of features such as the Level Reward System and the integration of Gen 2 Galaxy Fighters. We are aiming to enter into internal testing next week with some of these features.

In the meantime we are also working to increase the fun-ness of the game, which has been a main focus since the start. With the roll-out of P2E, having a fun-to-play game is more important than ever to retain new players, you will have noticed we added more mechanics in the latest update such as the ability to jump, more AOE damages as well as life-steal for certain weapons. We even added some more obstacles in bushes in our default Sci-fi map (3v3) as well as the 1v1 map.

Additionally, our previous announcement to exclude the majority of base weapons and all genesis weapons from P2E rewards means significant rebalancing of weapons needs to take place before P2E which includes the boosting of some base weapons so their rarity is more in-line with power.

In the newest/next version of the game you should see some of the following implemented —

New ability:

  • New Ability Jump: when active, player can jump over short obstacle. Some weapons have new ability like: shuriken blades, claws, katana, wakizashi, lion roar, sling shot, magnet

Fixed abilities:

  • Dash: now blink faster than old version, cd13s>15s
  • Healing: increase health regen 1350 > 1450 hp, cd 12s > 15s
  • Shield: cd 13s>15s, time duration 3s>2,5s
  • Boost speed: cd 13s>15s

New function BYOPill:

  • Berserk: give player 30% base hp and ms in 5s
  • Invincible: TBC
  • Invisible: invisible for 5s
  • Boostspeed: TBC
  • Instant cooldown skill: reset cd all skill with full charge

Reworked weapon skills:
[Note: if we find certain changes to be very unpopular, the team is flexible on reverting certain changes on weapon attacks/stats]

  • Guzzy Ultimate: now shoot one ice air, freeze all enemies in range for 1.5s
  • Hammer Of Gods ultimate: Strikes all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning, no matter where they may be
  • Bubble Gun ultimate: now shoots iceball , freeze single targets for 1.5s if they touch the ball
  • Flower bouquet ultimate: now cast a vertical beam and heal 1898 hp for all allies in range
  • Butterfly net ultimate: now cast fireflies fly around caster, heal 245hp every 0,5s, time duration of skill 5s
  • Gnawing Hunger ultimate: launches a big bullet at the target area, deal AOE damage to enemy and knocking them back to the opposite direction of the casters position
  • Asteroid Green: now normal skill is shoot a asteroid away follow horizontal, ultimate is call 4 asteroid swing around caster, can go through obstacle, deal AOE dmg to enemy on way of any asteroid, duration 5s

Re-balanced the weapons below: (dmg= damage, cd = cooldown)

Candy Cane: dmg skill 913>1033, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 752>914, cd 17>19s

Caveman’s Club: dmg skill 918>1028, cd 1.6>1.7s, dmg ultimate 754>907, cd 17>19s

Dagger: dmg skill 920>1040, cd 1.6 >1.8s, dmg ultimate 1516>1706, cd 17>19s, removed life steal effect

Flower Bouquet: dmg skill 910>1009, cd 1.6>1.7s, ultimate cd 17>19s

Pistol: dmg skill 450>505, cd 1.8>2.0s, dmg ultimate 390>459, cd 17>19s

Sword: dmg skill 906> 1066, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 758>928, cd 17>18s

Needle: dmg skill 911>1059, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 1501>1701, cd 17>18s

Axe: dmg skill 915>1075, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 752> 922, cd 17>19s

Baseball Bat: dmg skill 912>1061, cd 1.6>1.8s, dmg ultimate 1506>1679, cd 17>18s

Pick: dmg skill 918>1104, cd 1.7>1.8s, ultimate 1504>1669, cd 16>18s

Fire arm: dmg skill 452>541, cd 1.8>2s, dmg ultimate 758>869, projectile speed 14>12, cd 16>19s

Forty-five: dmg skill 902>1005, cd 1.8>2s, dmg ultimate 749>852, cd 17>19s

Battle Axe: dmg skill 950> 1139, cd 1.8>2s, dmg ultimate 1522>1738, cd 17>18s

Boat Oar: dmg skill 940>1154, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 1540>1750, cd 17>19s

Butterfly Net: dmg skill 946>1102, ultimate cd 17>19s

Electric Toothbrush: dmg skill 945> 1162, cd 1.6>1.8s, dmg ultimate 1551>1761, cd 17s>19s

Flail: dmg skill 945> 1160, cd 1.7s>1.8s, dmg ultimate 550> 644, cd 17>19s, give caster shield block 20% dmg during cast ultimate (old patch give 0.8 speed during cast ultimate)

Monkey Paw Staff: dmg skill 946> 1158, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 1540>1740, cd 17>18s, enemy speed 0.7>0.8 in 1s

Umbrella: dmg skill 945> 1144, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 522>649, cd 17>18s

Walking Stick: dmg skill 949> 1132, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 1557>1628, cd 17>20s, time effect stun 0.8>1s

Mac-10: dmg/bullet 332> 418, cd 1.8>2s, dmg ultimate/bullet 525> 685, cd 17>20s

Cleaver: dmg skill 944> 1147, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate 1552>1852, cd 17>19s, lifesteal 310>222

Harpoon: dmg skill 924>1048, cd 1.7>2s, dmg ultimate/bullet 550>720, cd 18>20s

Hatchet: dmg skill 949> 1149, cd 1.7>1.8s, dmg ultimate/hit 518> 728, cd 16> 18s, removed slow effect to enemy

Molotov Cocktail: dmg skill 562/1s> 189/0.25s, cd 1.7>1.9s; change dmg ultimate 596/1s> 362/0.5s, cd 17s>19s

Revolver: dmg skill 924> 1059, cd 1.8>2.1s; dmg ultimate/bullet 774>954, cd 17>19s

Banana: dmg skill 982> 1098, cd 1.9>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 499> 548, cd 17>20s, duration of stun effect 0.5>0.7s

Broomstick: dmg skill 990> 1204, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate 1590> 1710, cd 17s>19s

Bubble Gun: dmg skill/bullet 380>448, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate 1550>1650, cd 17>20s, type damage change aoe>single target

Claws: dmg skill 1008>1205, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate bleed 530>625, cd 16>20s, target change single>multiple

Death Scythe: dmg skill 1016> 1199 ; dmg ultimate/hit 589> 719, life-steal/hit 142>86, cd 17>19s

Machine Gun: dmg skill/bullet 382> 452, cd 1.9>2.1s; dmg ultimate/bullet 322> 422, cd 17>20s

Nunchucks: dmg skill 1015> 1197, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate/hit 852> 1118, cd 18>20s

Rubber Chicken: dmg skill 1045>1188, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate/hit 652>801, cd 17>18s

Whip: dmg skill 1049 >1193, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate 1594>1868, cd 17>19s

Diamond Hands: dmg skill 1018>1195, cd 1.7>1.8s; ultimate cd 16>18s

M4: dmg skill/bullet 510>645, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 542>742, cd 17>20

FAL: dmg skill/bullet 512> 649, cd 1.8>2.1s; dmg ultimate/bullet 802>1128, cd 17>20s

Scout: dmg skill 1086> 1166, cd 1.8>2.1s; ultimate cd 17>19s

Galil: dmg skill.bullet 525> 646, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 538>828, cd 16>20s

Sawed-off Shotgun: dmg skill/bullet 450> 511, cd 1.7>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 348>449, cd 17>20s

Slug Shotgun: dmg skill/bullet 458> 519, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 688>838, cd 17>19s

Remington Shotgun: dmg skill/bullet 462> 512, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 356>442, cd 17>19s

Shuriken: dmg skill 1006>1158, cd 1.7>2s, removed bounce effect; dmg ultimate/bullet 1006>1246, dmg bounce 906>1026, cd 17>20s

Shuriken Blades: dmg skill 984> 1148, cd 1.7>2.1s; dmg ultimate/bullet 588> 698, cd 18>20s

Switch Blade: dmg skill 1002> 1155, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate poison 332>408, cd 17>19s

Butcher Knife: dmg skill 984> 1144, range 6>7, cd 1.8>2.1s, removed life-steal effect; dmg ultimate/bullet 984> 1008, range 6>7, cd 17>10s

Water Cooler: dmg skill 1066> 1206, cd 1.6>1.8s; dmg ultimate 1615> 1922, cd 17>19s, change knock-back effect > slow enemy effect in 2s

Boxing Gloves: dmg skill 1055> 1202, cd 1.6>1.8s; dmg ultimate 1602>1702, cd 17>20s

Bitcoin: dmg skill 1080> 1148, cd 1.7>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 1080> 698, cd 18>19s, number bullet 8>6

Double Voulge: dmg skill 1100 >1269, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate/hit 1182>1868, cd 16>19s, life-steal/hit 312>193

Flamethrower: dmg skill/hit 398>422, cd 1.9>2.1s; dmg ultimate/hit 688>796, cd 18>19

Heels: dmg skill 1120 >1261, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate/hit 1120>1318, cd 17>20s

Plasma Sword: dmg skill 1108> 1272, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate 1648> 2013, cd 18>19s

Plasma Orb: dmg skill 1068> 1148, cd 1.9>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 792> 952, cd 18>20s

Space Gun: dmg skill 1050> 1196, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate 1692> 1926, cd 17>19s

Katana: dmg skill 1110> 1288, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate/hit 592> 822, cd 18>19s

Candy Gun: dmg skill 1048> 1148, cd 1.9>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 1008> 1248, range 7>8 cd 16>19s

Gnawing Hunger: dmg skill/bullet 482> 550, cd 1.8>1.9s; ultimate cd 17>20s

The Barber: dmg skill/bullet 648> 712, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 948> 1238, cd 18>19s

Golden Child: dmg skill/bullet 652> 722, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 925> 1238, cd 17>19s

Pump and Dump: dmg skill/bullet 488> 548, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 394> 494, cd 18>19s

Staff of Light: dmg skill 1105> 1279, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate/hit 1202> 1282, cd 17>19s

Dragon Scimitar: dmg skill 1099> 1272, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate 1686> 2102, cd 17>20s

Doctor Crossbow: dmg skill 1090> 1198, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 820> 1020, cd 18>20s

Hammer of Gods: dmg skill 1204> 1366, cd 1.7>1.8s; dmg ultimate 1718> 1625, cd 17>20s, removed slow enemy effect

Echo Chamber: dmg skill 1134> 1207, cd 1.9>2s, time reflect 4>3; dmg ultimate/bullet 942> 1207, cd 17>19s

Flare Gun: dmg skill 1052> 1086, cd 1.9>2.1s, range 7>6; dmg ultimate 1571> 1771, projectile speed 12>10, cd 18>20s

Guzzy: dmg skill/hit 408> 1366, cd 1.9>2s; new dmg ultimate 1822, cd 17>19s

Ion Cannon: dmg skill/bullet 518> 560, cd 1.8>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 422> 588, cd 17>20s

Retribution: dmg skill 1105> 1145, cd 1.9>2s; dmg ultimate/bullet 1105>1185, cd 18>19s

Lion Roar: dmg skill/bullet 522> 542 ; dmg ultimate 528> 678, cd 18>20s

Wakizashi: dmg skill 1160> 1322, lifesteal/hit 138>238 ; dmg ultimate/hit 1160> 1347, lifesteal/hit 168>242, cd 18>19s

Asteroid(green): dmg skill 1192> 1292; dmg ultimate/hit 1722> 1687, cd 17>20s

Asteroid(pink): dmg skill 1262> 1382; dmg ultimate 1818> 2168, cd 17>19s

Asteroid(brown): dmg skill/hit 806> 1366, cd 2>2.2s; dmg ultimate/hit 722> 872, cd 17>20s

Slingshot: dmg skill 1246> 1248, removed bounce effect; dmg ultimate 1456> 2345, dmg bounce 1326>1956, number bullet 2>1,cd 18>20s

Magnet: dmg skill 1282> 1408 ; dmg ultimate/hit 525> 715, cd 18>20s

The Cube: dmg skill 1092> 1366 ; dmg ultimate/hit 1384> 1029, number of hit 3>4, cd 17>20s

Divine Blade: dmg skill 1218> 1366, lifesteal/hit 144>285; dmg ultimate/hit 750> 888, cd 17>20s

Game System:

  • Reworked character stats system, which makes it more scalable for new features in the future
  • Increased width of the camera view for a better combat experience
  • Optimized memory system by using addressable system which should further improve game performance


TLDR: P2E is on track and team will be entering internal testing next week

Task 1: NFT auth API optimized and stress tested for heavy in-game use

  • Status: Stress testing via Open Beta

We are doing periodic check ups, and constantly monitoring the performance of the API. No further update on this item.

Task 2: Energy system for each NFT

  • Status: Testing via Open Beta

No update on this item.

Task 3: Admin panel to monitor game activity and allow for team to ban players or stop players from earning key fragments

  • Status: Live for team

No update on this item.

Task 4: Dashboard for key-fragments and keys (a.k.a. P2E rewards page)

  • Status: Ready to go live

Testing on Mumbai test-net went well last week. The next step is to deploy the set of key and fragments smart contracts on the main-net and incorporate them into the page.

(Note that the page will only be made public when P2E is ready to go live.)

Task 5: New loot box contract for key fragments

  • Status: Live with new version coming out this week

After the P2E rewards page was tested fully on the Mumbai testnet, we went ahead and made the required changes to the loot box smart contract. We are expecting to have the new version of the contract deployed and the frontend updated within this week.

Task 6: New forging contract to allow for non-genesis weapons

  • Status: Ready for deployment

We will be deploying the new forging contract and updated frontend this week.

Task 7: Allow Gen 2 training contract to take in non-genesis weapons

  • Status: Live

No update on this item, as mentioned in the last update:

The new algorithm is live but since the P2E keys and the P2E weapons are not available to the public yet, players won’t be able to use and feel the effect of the update yet.

Task 8: Non-genesis weapon in game

  • Status: Alpha Testing

The p2e version of base weapons are working well in game and they are ready to go as the first patch of p2e weapons.

However, after the change of direction on p2e weapons mentioned in the last update, we have started on creating more p2e weapons within the game, models and projectiles etc are being worked on. The game studio is working hard to produce these while finalizing on the leveling system and rewards system.

Task 9: Game build with rewards in place

  • ETA: August 22nd 2022


The team is aware of the issues plaguing the GCOIN claiming and is actively working to fix them. The good news is that this is mainly happening because of a surge of traffic and new accounts (20K+ new accounts in last 2 weeks) being set up, which we can only guess are coming from guilds.

Similarly, our Ethereum/Polygon node is also getting a lot of traffic which has caused missed on-chain events, this means action of transfer and/or GCOIN claim was not acknowledged by our server and hence GCOIN wasn’t generated.

We are looking at solutions to resolve this issue, but as you can imagine we are prioritizing the release of P2E at the moment. We are working on a temporary solution which will see us releasing a simpler version of the GCOIN claiming dashboard in the coming days, a longer term solution will see us rebuilding the claiming portal from scratch but this will need to be after P2E.

B: Business Development & Marketing


We underwent a maintenance period of just under 48 hours on our staking site 2 days ago, staking rewards that were paused will be not added back in due to system constraints but will not affect the total amount of GCOIN being distributed to stakers. In other words, the rewards from these 2 days will simply extend the staking reward by an extra 2 days.

Back in January 2022 we announced GCOIN staking with this article:

In particular:

Initially 4% of the total supply will be allocated as liquidity rewards. This equates to 6,000,000 $GFC being equally distributed and rewarded based on the calculations above.

We would like to remind everyone that as of writing, over 4,000,000 $GFC/GCOIN has already been distributed or locked-in for reward distribution out of the 6,000,000 with 2,000,000 left out of the initial liquidity rewards which we expect will be distributed over the next 2–3 months. Meanwhile the team is considering adding more liquidity rewards beyond the 6M initially set back in January 2022.


The past two weeks have been full of action and excitement on GFC’s BD & Marketing side.

We are making big strides in mainstream awareness within the web3 space with our P2E launch coming up and GFC continuously onboarding high-quality partners.

Yas had the chance to meet up with Gary Vee in Cologne, Germany. He has great connections to the VeeFriends community, especially the German-VF-Group, which invited Gary to a private meet-up (40 guests) after his speaking engagement at a larger event in Germany.

There, he had the opportunity to talk to Gary 1 on 1, as some questions, and align for another meeting in September to further discuss the partnership between Galaxy Fight Club and VeeFriends.

We are very confident that both of our communities are going to be very excited about what we have in store for this collaboration!

Since our partnership announcement with VeeFriends, we have onboarded yet another partner — WhaleTogether.

WhaleTogether is built on the concept that “together, we’re stronger” and this is the culture we foster in our community. They have various utilities for their holders like sniping tools, alpha calls, and most recently — a dedicated character within Galaxy Fight Club!

To learn more about our partnership with WhaleTogether and also about them, feel free to listen back to the Twitter Space we hosted with them —

The most recent Twitter Space was with VeeFriends (an unofficial community group)! This was probably one of the most in-depth Twitter Spaces we ever had, we talked GFC for over 2 hours and broke down the project in order to make it as easily accessible and understandable as possible.

You can listen back to this Space using the following link —

On top of the Twitter Space with our newest partners, we also hosted a Twitter Space with Brycent and other major names in the gaming space including Rumble Kong League, Big Time (, Big Town Chef ( and many more.

It was a really big Twitter Space with over 600 live listeners but unfortunately, it did not get recorded by the host. Nevertheless, we will aim toward participating in and co-hosting more Twitter Spaces like these ones.

Besides the Twitter Spaces, we also emphasize other means of communication to increase awareness around Galaxy Fight Club and what we are building.

In the past two weeks, we got featured on three different projects/platforms:

  1. GenAI Collective featured us on their Twitter account by writing an introductory guide:

2. BengBeng featured us on their top P2E projects on polygon with the highest social score: featured us on their Website & Twitter, covering our partnership with VeeFriends:

Furthermore, we started activating the athletes which have been onboarded through VaynerSports. Keep an eye out for more athletes entering the colosseum throughout this month.

So far, we saw some action from Daton Fix ( and Clay Guida (

You can find their Tweets here:

Daton Fix:

Clay Guida:

We have been sharing their tweets on our Discord, too, within the channel #community-marketing. If you have not seen this channel yet, we would like to ask you to subscribe to the @GFC DEGEN role, to receive the corresponding notifications within our Discord server.

Furthermore, we did improve our Twitter Impact Program by introducing a ranking system and more perks and benefits for people who consistently engage with us on Twitter.

You can expect a stand-alone announcement outlining the details of this topic before the end of the week — however, we would already like to emphasize that we really need the community to actively participate and take part in these things. That’s the only way to make this part of the marketing side a success.

C: Community

Tournaments, Guilds and Banner Voting!

It’s been another two busy weeks, yet again!


We saw the 7th instalment in the Galaxy Community Cup with a prize pool of 5000 $Gcoin and a “Staff of Light” — Whack ‘m!

This time around we were showing love to the Cyborg human. The tournament was open to any team of two as long as the team paid 50 $Gcoin entry fee, played with Cyborgs (the trial version was available for everyone, albeit with slightly less HP) and melee weapons!

It made for some very interesting games ranging from both teams trying to bait and ambush to all out brawls! It was our biggest GCC tournament (team wise) as of yet and in the end it was TeamPlaySafe who bashed their way to the top! Massive congratulations to Zaphkiel and Psyy. Zaphkiel got the better of Psyy in the 1vs1 Grand Final and walked away with the Staff of Light.

It clearly was TeamPlaySafe’s week. Four days later we had our fourth Bi-Weekly 2Eth tournament and yet again it was Zaphkiel and Psyy, this time joined by Jboi who emerged victorious, absolutely cruising to their second “Bi-Weekly 2Eth” win!

We now have had a 2Eth tournament on all servers — Congratulations Wholesome Guys, The Monstars and (twice) TeamPlaySafe! Both Wholesome Guys and TeamPlaySafe playing for Team Comfy ran by Joe and Aaron Comfy, making it the most successful Guild at the moment!


With P2E looming around the corner more and more players are starting to bundle up and form groups, sharing assets and tactics and fighting each other week in week out.

To make it easier for guilds and (new) players to find each other we have created the #🎮︱join-a-team section in our discord. Any guild has the option to have their info posted, as long as they have been and are an active part of the GFC community!

It will make it easier for new players to connect with the likes of Team Comy, Perion and The Way of Zen.Soon we will have a guild leaderboard implemented in the tournament results — will your team top them all?


For the community, by the community.

It is a wonderful saying and once again it became a fact! We gave you all the chance to put some of your fighters forward to be featured in the new up-and-coming GFC background.

After some gruesome eliminations you were presented with the shortlists for every single race, you have spoken! Meet two of the lucky winners below, we will introduce you to the other poster boys, girls and non-humans soon!



Galaxy Fight Club
Galaxy Fight Club

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